Half life 1 final boss
Half life 1 final boss

#7 Locate the alien trampoline that will shoot you the highest of all. (If you didn't destroy the crystals, he will re-energize!!) At this time he will attempt to re-enrgize himself with the crystals you earlier destroyed. He will no longer be able to shoot anything but one electro-ball at a time, so feel free to leave cover and let him have it. #6 When the rings around his head start to die off. Note: As he starts to weaken, he will teleport different old enimies in as a vain attempt to protect his pittiful life, eleiminate these. The only thing that you shouldn't use is the uranium-based guns. #5 Do one of these and start unloading everything you have on him, especially secondary machine-gun nades. (ITS NOT NECCESARLY A BAD THING TO BE TELEPORTED!!) In that order, so while you'r in there, collect all the health and ammo you can hold. If you get teleported, don't pannick, just find the teleporter back to the chamber, there are three teleport areas he will send you to. You can out circle strafe the electric ones, but the teleport ones are homing and extremely hard to avoid.

half life 1 final boss

He has two types of attack, the electro-balls and a teleport ball. Find suffiencient cover and duck out and in when situations call for it. Circle-strafe around the chamber constantlyī. #4 Now you can pay attention to the big guy all you need to do to stay alive is either:Ī. Select your cross-bow and look for these in the upper corners of the chamber. #3 After finding sufficient cover, the next thing you need to adress are the tree crystal like structures that give him energy. There are 2 "rings" of post like things, you want to go with the outer ring and find a pillar there. #2 When you are first teleported into the end boss chamber, the first thing that you need to do is find some cover. There are actually 2 bosses, a large spiderlike boss and the floating fetal-like alien. #1 Be sure that it is infact, the end boss.

Half life 1 final boss